1. On the occasion of the World Environment Day, 2021, which one of the following was declared as a National Park in India? [UPSC CAPF 2021]

(a) Raimona
(b) Orang
(c) Dibru-Saikhowa
(d) Nameri

2. In the year 2020 which one of the following tiger reserves of India was declared by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve? [UPSC CDS-1 2020]

(a) Panna Tiger Reserve
(b) Namdapha Tiger Reserve
(c) Dudhwa Tiger Reserve
(d) Pench Tiger Reserve

3. A camel adapts easily in a desert due to ? [UPSC CAPF 2011]

(a) hump with stored food as fats
(b) water cells in stomach to store metabolic water
(c) nucleated Red Blood Cells
(d) hair growth near eyes and nostrils

4. Which one among the following statements is not correct? [UPSC CAPF 2012]

(a) Eastern Himalayas and Western Ghats are the two bio-diversity hot spots in India
(b) Central American lowland and highland forests are identified as bio-diversity hot spots
(c) The bio-diversity hot spots are mostly continued to the tropical and subtropical regions of the world
(d) The South-East Asian island are not rich in biodiversity

5. The Chipko Movement

1. was an environmental movement to prevent cutting down of trees
2. raised the question of ecological and economic exploitation
3. is a movement against alcoholism as its broadened agenda
4. demanded that local communities should have control over their natural resources

Select the correct answer using the code given below. [UPSC CAPF 2013]

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

6. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [UPSC CAPF 2021]

(a) Positively phototropic: Shoot
(b) Positively geotropic : Root
(c) Chemotropic : Pollen tube
(d) Hydrotropic : Flower

7. Which of the following are examples of carnivorous plants? [UPSC CAPF 2016]

(a) Sundew, Venus fly trap, Pitcher plant
(b) Cuscuta, Rafflesia, Mistletoe
(c) Sandalwood, tree Broom rape, Pitcher plant
(d) Cuscuta, Bladderwort, Mistletoe

8. Phreatophytes are the plants adapted to grow in ? [UPSC CAPF 2019]

(a) moist shaded places
(b) rocky environments
(c) arid environments
(d) active volcanic lava

9. The process of using microbes to treat areas of land or sea that have been contaminated by pesticides, oil or solvents is known is

(a) Eutrophication
(b) Nitrification
(c) Ammonification
(d) Bioremediation

10. Which of the following statements about biodiversity hot spots is/are correct?

  1. Biodiversity hot spots are identified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
  2. Biodiversity hot spots are defined according to their vegetation.
  3. In India, Eastern Ghats and Western Himalaya are the biodiversity hot spots.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1 only

UPSC CSE Prelims








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