APPSC Group-1 Mains Environment, Climate Change & Biodiversity Previous Year Questions

Natural Resources – Depletion and Conservation of Natural Resources

  • Describe the carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles. Cite examples in the Indian context.
  • Describe the role of Information Technology in environmental conservation?

Ecology, Environment and Environmental Degradation

  • What is eco system? Explain the food chain system in eco systems?
  • What is Environmentalism? Briefly state the problems does our planet face and suggest the solutions.
  • Give an account of the following: i) Autotrophic Vs. Heterotrophic plants ii) Symbiosis
  • Write a short note on (i) What are Lichens? Write their economic importance. (ii) Explain how insects are useful to human beings.
  • What are the principles of Ecology?
  • Write a short note on Eutrophication.
  • What is meant by the term natural Selection? Draw a food chain that has you as the top consumer.
  • Write in detail about various segments of environment.
  • What do you understand by the term ecosystem?
  • Write the structure of ecosystem.
  • List out different types of aquatic ecosystems existing in India.
  • What are the threats to aquatic, ecosystems and how can they be conserved?
  • Give an account of the following: i) Autotrophic Vs. Heterotrophic plants ii) Symbiosis
  • Write a short note on(i) What are Lichens? Write their economic importance. (ii)Explain how insects are useful to human beings.
  • Discuss the problems associated with unabated urbanization and suggest the ways and means to arrest this.

Environment Impact Assessment

  • Describe the procedure for obtaining Environmental Clearance under Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.
  • What are the different parameters considered for constructing a dam and a reservoir? Briefly mention its impact on the environment?

Climate Change and Its effect on the world

  • What are the potential impacts climate change in India?
  • What is El Nino? What are the causes of El Nino? Discuss the scenario of impact of El Nino on global agriculture.
  • What is meant by Electrostatic precipitator ? Explain its working principle.
  • What are the effects of climate change on nature, sea level fluctuations, plants and animal migration, changes in insect pests?
  • What is Brundtland Report ? Enumerate.
  • Explain various causes for the changes in climate and its effect on both the living and non-living bodies on the Earth.
  • What are the different types of indicators of climatic changes? Write a short note on cryogenic indicators?
  • Write about the following : Climate change and Acid rain
  • What are the potential impacts climate change in India?
  • What are the different types of indicators of climatic changes? Write a short note on cryogenic indicators?

Natural Disasters and Prediction Management

  • Distinguish between a Hazard and a Disaster? Narrate various types of natural disasters, the coastal seashore areas are prone to?
  • Explain the details of Tsunami Warning System of India.
  • Discuss the common challenges in any disaster management plan
  • Write on (i)Disaster Management Programmes in India (ii)Mitigation methods to address Global warming.
  • What are the parameters considered to declare as a disaster ? List out the various disasters which are considered for declaration as national disasters.
  • Explain briefly on the roles and responsibilities of National Disaster Authority (NDMA) in achieving its goal?

Correlation between Health & Environment, Social Forestry, Afforestation and Deforestation

  • Give a short account of different types of social forestry and their advantages.
  • Explain about the types of forests present in India.
  • How are forests helping the human society ? Explain.

Mining in AP and India

  • Write a note on Andhra Pradesh Sand Mining Policy, 2016

Types of Natural Resources- Renewable, Nonrenewable and Forest Resources, Fishery Resources

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar power over other renewable energy resources? Why is the cost of solar energy decreasing ? What is its effect on climate change efforts?

Mineral Resources

  • What is meant by mineral resources? How they form? Write about different types of mineral resources.
  • Give an account on mineral resources of India. Explain the impacts of mining activity on the environment.
  • Explain about the mineral resources present in India.

Water Resources and Water Management

  • ‘‘India’s traditional water management methods are key in the present context.’’ Examine the statement with special focus on water harvesting and disaster management.
  • Classify dams based on structure and design.
  • Describe impact of human beings on water resources.
  • What is meant by watershed ? How can watershed management be done effectively with modern Information Technology?
  • Write the salient features of Water Act and Water pollution Cess Act.
  • Explain Integrated Water Resource Management. Give the importance of Water user Associations.
  • Write in detail about the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
  • Why are urban floods a recurrent feature in India? Discuss the main causes of urban floods and measures taken by the Government(s) for urban flood control.
  • Critically examine how illegal mining of river sand in various parts of India is affecting the ecology of rivers and lives of people in the vicinity of these rivers.

Land resources — Types of Soils and Soil Reclamation

  • What is Soil Pollution and how it is caused?

Environmental Pollution

  • What effects does PM2.5 fine particulate matter have on the health of individuals in urban regions of India and across the world? Discuss.
  • Describe noise pollution and explain the various control and preventive measures to be taken to control noise pollution.
  • Discuss the sources, impacts and control measures of Marine pollution.
  • What are the measues to be taken in prevention and control of air pollution?
  • What are the major Air pollutants ? Add a note on their effects.
  • As an individual what is your role in the prevention of environmental pollution? Explain.
  • Explain the effects of air pollution.
  • Suggest various measures to control air pollution.

Solid Waste Management

  • Critically discuss the various challenges and issues arising out of waste management in Indian towns and cities.
  • Narrate various types and the characteristics of Solid Waste.
  • Write a short note on the following:- (i) Pyrolysis (ii) Incineration
  • Explain Urban Governance and role of community in Municipal Solid Waste Management.

Ozone Layer Depletion, Acid Rain

  • Recent observations have shown that the ozone layer over Antarctic shows signs of healing. Critically examine.
  • Describe Impact of Ozone layer depletion on different living organisms?
  • Give a brief note on the following: (i) Sustainable agriculture (ii) Acid Rain

Environmental Legislation

  • Examine the role of the National Green Tribunal in providing speedy justice in environmental matters by quoting its recent decisions.
  • Narrate the functions of State Pollution Control Board.
  • Explain the various functions of Central Pollution Control Board?
  • List-out the projects/activities for which public consultation is not required for issue of prior Environmental Clearance.
  • Explain National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), objectives and recommendations.
  • What are the issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation and law?
  • Write the main points of the agreement reached at United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) held at Paris in December, 2015. What was India’s stand at the conference?

Environment (Protection) act 1986, Forest conservation Act, Wildlife Protection Act 1972

  • List out the rules to regulate environmental pollution under the Environment Protection Act of 1986.
  • What are the salient features of Forest Act of 1980?
  • Explain the following: (i) National Bureau of Plant Generic Resources (NBPGR) (ii) Wild-life sanctuaries.
  • In the Project Tiger, what are the administrative measures taken by the Ministry of Environment and Forests?
  • In your own words explain the steps to bring awareness and in educating towards Environmental Protection in India.

Biodiversity & Biodiversity Bill of India

  • Invasive alien species are the second largest threat to biodiversity after habitat destruction. Discuss the causes with examples.
  • Narrate the impact of urbanisation on bio-diversity.
  • Describe the major threats to bio-diversity. Explain different types of bio-diversities.
  • What is the Chipko movement about ? Who created this slogan and what is its impact?
  • Write a short note on medicinal herbs and plants.
  • Define bio-diversity. Discuss briefly the consumptive use of bio-diversity.
  • Discuss briefly various reasons leading to the loss of bio-diversity.
  • Differentiate between BOD and COD and discuss their imprtance.
  • What are the salient benefits of the application of Information Technology in the field of medicine and medical health?
  • What are the natural and human induces threats to biodiversity? Give an example of each.
  • Discuss the strategies for wasteland reclamation.
  • What are the threats to Indian biodiversity?
  • How can Indian biodiversity be conserved?
  • What is the need for the development of wastelands?
  • Write about reclamation of wastelands.

National Disaster Management Policy

  • Briefly describe the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and its adoption in the disaster management policy of India.

White Revolution, Green Revolution, and Green Pharmacy

  • Discuss the basis and justification required for suitability of a crop and cropping pattern.