Year-end Review 2024: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Key Highlights
- India achieved Milestone of Planting 102 Crore Trees Under ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ Campaign, aiming for 140 Crore by March 2025
- Ministry notified the Eco-mark Rules on 26th September, 2024.
- National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) hit Milestones: 40% PM Reduction in 23 Cities, ₹11,200 Crore fund allocated for Pollution Control.
- PRANA Portal launched for Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring
- MISHTI launched on World Environment Day 2024 to Restore Mangroves and Boost Coastal Sustainability
- Approx. 22,561 Hectares of Degraded Mangroves restored in 13 States/UTs and ₹17.96 Crore released for the restoration of 3,836 Hectares in 6 States/UTs
- Biological Diversity Rules 2024 Notified on 22nd October 2024.
- Tiger Reserves in India rose to 57; Two New Tiger Reserves Notified in 2024:
- Guru Ghasidas-Tamo Pingla Tiger Reserve and Ratapani Tiger Reserve.
- 13 beaches across 6 States and 3 Union Territories certified with Blue Flag Certification for the season 2024-2025
- UNEA adopted Resolution on Sustainable Lifestyles, based on the precepts of Mission LiFE
- India hosted the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit on 17th August, 2024 with the overarching theme – ‘An Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future’
- India conducted first-ever Ganges River Dolphin Tagging
- India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2023 Released: Forest and Tree Cover reach 8,27,357, accounting for 25.17% of India’s Geographical Area.
Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam Campaign
- On the occasion of World Environment Day 2024, the Prime Minister launched the campaign ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam / Plant4Mother’, exhorting people to plant trees as a mark of love and respect for one’s own Mother and for protecting and preserving the Mother Earth. MoEFCC has reached out to Central Government Ministries/Departments, State Governments, Institutions and Organizations to ensure the plantation of 140 crore trees by March 2025.
Eco-mark Scheme
- In alignment with the ‘LiFE’ (Lifestyle for Environment), MoEFCC has notified the Eco-mark Rules on 26th September, 2024. It replaces the Eco-mark scheme of 1991.
- The scheme will encourage the demand for environment-friendly products aligning with the principles of ‘LiFE’, promote lower energy consumption, resource efficiency and circular economy.
- The scheme seeks to ensure accurate labelling and prevent misleading information about products.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)
- The Government stands committed to tackle the global challenge of climate change.
- India’s climate action is guided by its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the long-term strategy to reach net-zero by 2070 and it cuts across various sectors of the economy.
- India has shown its willingness to be at the forefront in the global fight against climate change despite having a miniscule contribution to the historical cumulative global GHG emissions.
- India houses about 17% of the global population but its historical cumulative contribution is less than 4%.
- Emission intensity of our GDP is reduced by 33% between 2005 and 2019.
- Hence, the target on reduction of emission intensity has been achieved well ahead of the schedule.
- As on 31.10.2024, the cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources is 46.52% of the total cumulative electric power installed capacity.
- India has updated its NDC targets to 45% of reduction in emission intensity and 50% of cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel based energy resources, by 2030.
- India is on track to meet its global commitments on climate change.
- CCUS has an important and critical role to play in decarbonising the industrial and power sector.
- CCUS is key to ensuring sustainable development and growth in India, particularly for the production of clean products and energy, leading to an Atmanirbhar Bharat.
National Clean Air Programme 2019
- The National Clean Air Programme launched in 2019 covers 130 cities in 24 States and UTs with an objective to achieve substantial improvement in air quality, up to 40% reduction in particulate matter by 2025-26 from 2017-18.
- We have achieved more than 20% reduction of particulate matter in 55 cities and 40% reduction in 23 cities till 2023- 2024.
- Due to continuous efforts, 18 of the above cities are meeting national air ambient air quality standards.
- PRANA portal has been launched to update the air quality data in real time.
Circular Economy & Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Framework
- MoEFCC has notified regulatory framework for Circular Economy in various waste streams.
- The producers have been mandated to get the end-of-life wastes recycled under extended producer responsibility regime.
- EPR rules have been notified for plastic waste, tyre waste, battery waste, used oil waste and e-waste.
- Further, EPR framework for scrap metals, end of life vehicles, solid waste and liquid waste, construction and demolition waste are under active consideration.
- The EPR framework will not only enhance the circularity in economy but also help manage the wastes in environmentally sound manner.
- A robust recycling industry would come up with employment potential of several lakhs with contribution to the economy.
India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)
- ICAP is a 20-year plan launched in 2019 by MoEFCC to provide sustainable cooling access to the country.
- The cooling demand is set to rise in the future. This will result in increased use of refrigerants and energy use for cooling.
- The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol for phase down of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) has for the first time recognized the linkages between refrigerant transition and energy efficiency of air-conditioning equipment within the realm of the Protocol.
- ICAP recommends synergising with ongoing Government programmes and schemes to maximize socio-economic co-benefits.
- In order to operationalize the recommendations of India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP), action plans have been finalized after mapping of the recommendations given in the ICAP with the on-going Government programmes/schemes for the following thematic areas –
- Space cooling in buildings
- Cold Chain
- Domestic Manufacturing and Production Sector – Alternative Refrigerants and technologies
- Research and Development
- Servicing Sector
- Transport Air Conditioning
- As against 35% phase out reduction target of Hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) during 2020-24, as per Montreal Protocol reduction schedule, India achieved reduction of 50% of Hydro chlorofluorocarbons in the consumption sector.
- Use of HCFCs in manufacturing of new equipment will be phased out as on 31.12.2024.
India Cooling Action seeks to
- reduce cooling demand across sectors by 20% to 25% by 2037-38.
- reduce refrigerant demand by 25% to 30% by 2037-38.
- reduce cooling energy requirements by 25% to 40% by 2037-38.
Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes (MISHTI)
- MISHTI has been launched on 5th June, 2024 to restore and promote mangroves as a unique, natural eco-system and for preserving and enhancing the sustainability of the coastal habitats.
- The objective of the MISHTI is to ‘restore mangrove forests’ by undertaking mangrove reforestation/afforestation measures along the coast of India.
- A sum of Rs.100 crore has been allocated through CAMPA (Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority) as initial project outlay for the scheme.
- Approximately, 22561 hectare of degraded mangrove area has been brought under restoration in 13 States/UTs and a total of Rs.17.96 crore has been released for the restoration of 3836 hectare in 6 States/UTs.
Forest Protection
- MoEFCC along with the Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal, organized a two-day National Workshop on “Application of Space Technology in Forest and Wildlife Management in India” at Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal on 21st – 22nd August, 2024 with the all the States / UTs.
- In the last fire season (November, 2023-June 2024), the percentage of large forest fires doused within 24 hours increased to 67% from the 33% recorded in the previous forest fire season.
- This was achieved majorly due to the enhanced speed of dissemination of information and coordination on the ground.
- Biological Diversity (Amendment) Act 2023 came into force on 1st April, 2024.
- An Indian delegation led by Shri Kirti Vardhan Singh, Minister of State of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, participated in the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological held in Cali, Colombia in Oct-Nov, 2024.
- India submitted its National Targets under the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan on 10th September, 2024 and also submitted its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan on 31st October, 2024 during the COP-16 to the Convention on Biological Diversity meetings.
- Both the National Biodiversity Targets and Action Plan are aligned with the goals and targets set under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
- Biological Diversity Rules 2024 were notified in the Gazette of India on 22 October 2024.
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)
- It was adopted at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in December 2022.
- It has been promoted as a “Paris Agreement for Nature”.
- Among the Framework’s key elements are 4 goals for 2050 and 23 targets for 2030.
- Vision: To live in harmony with nature by 2050.
- Mission: To halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.
- 23 targets are categorized into three areas as:
- Reducing threats to biodiversity.
- Meeting people’s needs through sustainable use and benefit-sharing.
- Tools and solutions for implementation and mainstreaming.
National Afforestation and Eco-development Board (NAEB)
- NAEB is implementing Nagar Van Yojana (NVY) which envisages developing 600 Nagar Vans and 400 Nagar Vatikas in the country during the period from 2020-21 to 2026-27.
- The objective to significantly enhance the trees outside forests and green cover, enhancement of biodiversity and ecological benefits to the urban and peri-urban areas apart from improving quality of life of city dwellers.
- The Central grants from funds under National Authority of CAMPA is provided to cover mainly the cost of fencing, soil-moisture conservation measures & related activities, administrative activities, plantation and maintenance.
- The Scheme provides financial assistance of Rs.4 lakh per hectare for the creation and maintenance of these urban forests, encouraging the involvement of citizens, students and other stakeholders in the creation and management of these green spaces.
- Nagar Van areas range from a minimum of 10 hectare to 50 hectare.
Achievements of Carbon Markets: (Jan-2024 to Nov-2024)
- India has notified the National Designated Authority for the Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (NDAIAPA) on 30th May, 2022, with Secretary, MoEFCC as the Chairperson.
- NDAIAPA Committee has updated and finalized the list of 14 activities under GHG mitigation activities, alternate materials and removal activities, which are to be considered for trading of international carbon credits under bilateral/ cooperative approaches, under the Article 6.2 mechanism and 6.4 mechanism, respectively.
- NDAIAPA has also given, in-principle, approval for the draft Sustainable Development Evaluation Framework (SDEF), which will help meet the requirement of projects/Programme of Activities as per CMA decisions and promote activities with high contribution to sustainable development.
- The Government of India announced the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS) on June 28, 2023, under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (Amendment, 2022), with the aim of establishing India’s carbon market.
- National Steering Committee for Indian Carbon Market (NSC-ICM) has been formed under CCTS to oversee the Indian Carbon Market (ICM). The Secretary, MoEFCC and Secretary, MoP are chairing the NSC-ICM.
- The NSC-ICM has finalized 9 sectors under compliance mechanism under CCTS, which are Aluminium, Chlor Alkali, Cement, Fertiliser, Iron & Steel, Pulp & Paper, Petrochemicals, Petroleum refinery, and textile.
- Under the offset mechanism, the NSC-ICM has currently approved ten sectors, which include energy, industries, waste handling & disposal, agriculture, forestry, transport, construction, fugitive emissions, solvent use and CCUS.
National Tiger Conservation Authority
- On the advice of National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), the Guru Ghasidas-Tamo Pingla Tiger Reserve (Chhattisgarh) and Ratapani Tiger reserve (Madhya Pradesh) have been notified as tiger reserves under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
- With this the number of tiger reserves in the country are 57.
- On Global Tiger Day, a web-portal on invasive plants was launched. It will help prioritize conservation investments for nature conservation. In the name of the tiger, India monitors a wide range of ecosystems.
- Officials from South Africa and Kenya visited the Kuno National Park and Gandhisagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh and apprised of initiatives under the ambitious Project Cheetah.
- India established the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) and formally became its member by signing the framework agreement.
- Project Tiger component of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitat’ was approved by the Government of India for 15th Finance Commission Cycle.
Sustainable Coastal Management
- MoEFCC sponsored the 9th International Nitrogen Conference in February, 2024 at the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) in New Delhi.
- Under the ambit of ‘Swachhta Hi Seva’ Campaign, beach cleaning drive was organised at 22 beaches spread across coastal States/UTs on 21.9.2024 in collaboration with respective State Governments/UT Administrations on the occasion of International Coastal Clean Up Day.
- A mega event of beach cleaning was also organised at Juhu Beach, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
- Second General Body meeting of National Centre from Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) was held on 4.9.2024 under the Chairmanship of the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
- Digital copy of Mangrove Zonation atlas was released by the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 4.9.2024.
- 13 beaches across 6 States and 3 Union Territories have been certified with Blue Flag Certification for the season 2024-2025.
- Adaptive Management Plan for externally aided Enhancing Coastal Resilience of Indian Coastal Communities (ECRICC) project by Green Climate Fund has been prepared.
Amrit Dharohar
- Amrit Dharohar implementation strategy was launched on 5th June, 2023.
- It focuses on four key components i.e.
- Species and Habitat Conservation
- Nature Tourism
- Wetlands Livelihoods
- Wetlands Carbon
- The floral and faunal inventories of 75 Ramsar sites have been published by Biological Survey of India (BSI) and Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), while the People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) for these sites have been updated through Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs).
- MoEF&CC has collaborated with the Ministry of Tourism for high-value nature tourism development. Training programs have been conducted, including Alternate Livelihood Programs (ALP) at Ramsar sites like Sultanpur National Park (Haryana), Bhitarkanika Mangroves and Chilika Lake (Odisha) and Sitarpur Wetland and Yashwant Sagar (Madhya Pradesh).
- Furthermore, Paryavaran Naavik Certificate (PNC) training programs have been held at Bhitarkanika Mangroves and Chilika Lake.
- A comprehensive training module for Nature Guides has also been developed under the Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP).
- MoEF&CC has released a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for assessing carbon stock in wetlands. A methodology for assessing climate co-benefits is being developed with knowledge partners like Wetlands International South Asia (WISA) and GIZ.
- Considering the high carbon storage capacity of peatlands, a Peatland Inventory and Assessment initiative has been launched with the support of these partners.
Protected Areas
- Number of Protected Areas in the country, which stood at 745 in the year 2014 have risen to 1022. This accounts for 5.43% of the country’s total geographic area.
- Numbers of Community Reserves in the country has increased from 43 in the year 2014 to 220 as on date.
- India has 57 tiger reserves notified under Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 with the prime focus of conservation of tigers and its habitat.
- States have also declared 33 elephant reserves for providing safer habitats to the elephants.
- Since 2014, 59 wetlands have been added to the list of Ramsar Sites, taking the tally to 85 in the country covering an area of 1.35 million ha.
- India boasts the largest Ramsar site network in Asia and the 3rd largest in the world in terms of number of sites.
- As per All India Tiger Estimation 2022 report, the estimated tiger population in India is 3,682. It accounts for 70% of wild tiger population of the World.
International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA)
- India has launched IBCA on 9th April, 2023 and established a demonstrative step to conserve 7 wild cats across the globe in the world.
- Five countries namely India, Nicaragua, Eswatini, Somalia and Liberia have signed the Framework Agreement (FA) and have become the members of IBCA.
- The Framework Agreement is intended to establish IBCA to collectively address common challenges for the protection and conservation of seven Big Cats in the world.
- The parties to this agreement shall be guided by the principles of coordinated action for protection and conservation of seven big cats, seeking the benefits of collective action under the IBCA.
Decriminalization of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
- EPA was enacted in 1986 with the objective of providing protection and improvement of the environment.
- The Government has amended the penal provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 as a part of Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provision) Act, 2023 for decriminalization and rationalizing offences to further enhance trust based governance for ease of living and doing business and the same have been made effective from 1st April, 2024.
- The salient features of the amendments in EPA are as follows:-
- Penal provision mentioned under EPA 1986 have been completely decriminalized.
- Appointment of adjudicating officer proposed for determining the penalties under EPA 1986.
- Provision made for creation and management of fund for collection as well as proper utilization of fund collected from penalty.
Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)
- Mission LiFE is a global initiative launched by India in October 2022.
- It aimed at fostering sustainable lifestyles through mindful and deliberate consumption to protect the environment.
- Following its introduction at COP-26 in Glasgow in 2021, Mission LiFE encourages individuals and communities to adopt eco-friendly behaviours.
- This initiative focuses on seven core themes:
- saving water
- conserving energy
- reducing waste
- managing e-waste
- eliminating single-use plastics
- promoting sustainable food systems
- adopting healthy lifestyles.
- Mission LiFE has been included as a non-quantifiable indicators under Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
- UNEA Resolution: The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), at its Sixth Session held in Nairobi, Kenya, on 1st March, 2024, unanimously adopted the resolution on sustainable lifestyles. The resolution based on the precepts of Mission LiFE was moved by India and co- sponsored by Sri Lanka and Bolivia. It is a significant step forward in the globalisation of the concept of Mission LiFE or Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE).
India’s membership on 10 Year Framework Programme (10YFP)
- India secured a position as Board Member on the Board of 10-Year Framework of Programmes for sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is a global acknowledgement of India’s leadership and efforts towards promoting sustainable lifestyles.
- The 10YFP is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as reflected in Sustainable Development Goal 12 on “Responsible Consumption and Production”, which serves as a framework of reference for decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.
3rd Voice of Global South Summit
- India hosted the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit on 17th August, 2024 with the overarching theme “An Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future”.
- India emphasized the countries of the Global South to unite, stand together with one voice and become one another’s strength.
- In the Environment Ministers’ Session, 18 countries and 1 bank from Global South participated.
- India emphasized the importance of encouraging sustainable consumption and production patterns, promoting sustainable lifestyles, reducing waste, and fostering a culture of conservation and respect for natural resources.
- The deliberations highlighted the call for climate justice and developing countries’ demand for climate finance, technology transfer and capacity building.
- The participants also reaffirmed the principles of equity and Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC).
First-ever Ganges River Dolphin Tagging
- First-ever Ganges River Dolphin was tagged in Assam.
- This initiative was implemented by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) in collaboration with the Assam Forest Department and Aaranyak, with funding from the National CAMPA Authority.
- This is the first tagging, not only in India, but also for the species, and this milestone is a significant advancement of Project Dolphin, under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi.
Forest and Tree Cover Growth
- As per the latest India State of Forest Report ISFR), 2023 of Forest Survey of India, released on 21.12.2024, key achievements of the country in terms of Environment and Forest Conservation are as under:
- Forest and Tree cover of the country is 8,27,357 sq km.
- It is 25.17 percent of the geographical area of the country, consisting of 7,15,343 sq km (21.76%) as forest cover and 1,12,014 sq km (3.41%) as tree cover.
- As compared to assessment of 2021, there is an increase of 1445 sq km in the forest and tree cover of the country which includes 156 sq km increase in the forest cover and 1289 sq km increase in tree cover.
- 19 states/UTs have above 33 percent of the geographical area under forest cover.
- Out of these, eight states/UTs namely Mizoram, Lakshadweep, A & N Island, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Manipur have forest cover above 75 percent.
- The total growing stock of India’s forest and trees outside forests is estimated as 6430 million cum, of which 4479 million cum is inside the forests and 1951 million cum outside the forest area.
- There is an increase of 262 million cum of total growing stock as compared to the previous assessment which includes an increase of 91 million cum inside the forest and 171 million cum outside the forest area.
- The extent of bamboo bearing area for the country has been estimated as 1,54,670 sq km.
- As compared to the last assessment done in 2021 there is an increase of 5,227 sq km in bamboo area.
- Total annual potential production of timber from trees outside forest has been estimated as 91.51 million cum.
- In the present assessment, total carbon stock in country’s forest is estimated to be 7,285.5 million tonnes. There is an increase of 81.5 million tonnes in the carbon stock of country as compared to the last assessment.
- Regarding status on achievement of target under NDC related to carbon sequestration, the current assessment shows that India’s carbon stock has reached 30.43 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent; which indicates that as compared to the base year of 2005, India has already reached 2.29 billion tonnes of additional carbon sink as against the target of 2.5 to 3.0 billion tonnes by 2030.
All The Best
Source: PIB